Karaoke Song Finder and Playlist Builder

Find your own personal best songs to sing at karaoke!

"Which songs do I know well, and other people will enjoy too?"

Karaokay will read your song listening data from streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube, or tracking services like Last.fm

It will then cross-reference against lists of popular karaoke songs to help you find songs you know well which will be enjoyed by others too!

"Which songs do I know well, and are available at this karaoke place?"

Karaokay will allow you to cross-reference songs you know against a specific song database – e.g. Sunfly or Karafun – which are typically used for professional karaoke.

Eventually we plan to collect data on which places use which databases, to make this even easier for you!

Huge thanks to Karaoke Nerds for providing the data on available karaoke versions of tracks – without him this app would have been a ton harder to get off the ground!

If you’re passionate about karaoke and want to chat with like-minded people, check out the diveBar community discord! They made me feel super welcome and helped motivate me to work on this, having procrastinated for years!